By Timothy Koraag
Senin, 06 Desember 2021
Selasa, 19 Desember 2017
Oleh Timothy Koraag
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(Resep Bubur Manado ( |
Feature Kuliner yang saya angkat
sebelumnya mengenai Tinutuan, saat ini saya ingin mengangkat lagi dari sisi
yang berbeda. Di Feature yang
sebelumnya saya menjelaskan tentang Tinutuan pada umumnya namun kali ini saya
lebih memaparkan Asal Muasal dari Tinutuan itu sendiri.
atau yang sering disapa Bubur Manado ini adalah menu makanan yang lezat disantap
bagi tiap golongan masyarakat, Karena bahan-bahannya yang berbau sayur-sayuran
ini sehingga menjadikan Tinutuan sebagai menu favorite bagi sebagian masyarakat
lokal maupun mancanegara, terutama mereka-mereka yang vegetarian.
Bubur Manado ini yang sudah terkenal disebagian mata masyarakat Indonesia
membuat para pengusaha makanan antusias untuk menjadikan Bubur Manado sebagai
salah satu menu makanan mereka.
tentang asal dari hidangan ini sudah tak asing lagi bagi banyak orang, dari
namanya saja Bubur Manado yang sudah terpampang jelas-jelas nama kota asalnya
yakni Kota Manado, Ibukota Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.
bagaimana dengan asal mula terciptanya makanan ini? Tentu banyak yang ingin
tahu tetapi juga banyak yang bisa dibilang bodoh amat yang penting perut
kenyang dan hatipun senang.
Mula Tinutuan ini sendiri masih menjadi misteri hingga sekarang, bahkan
masyarakat Manado pun kurang mengetahui asal terbentuknya.
sebagian orang mengatakan bahwa makanan ini mulai diperdagangkan diawal tahun
1970 dibeberapa sudut kota Manado sebagai sarapan,
sebagian orang mengatakan bahwa Tinutuan ini tercipta pada saat penjajahan
Belanda di Indonesia khususnya di Sulawesi Utara, dengan sumber makanan yang
terbatas sehingga masyarakat lokal berkreasi demi mengisi perut mereka yang
lapar dengan bahan-bahan seadanya disekitar halaman rumah yakni sayur-mayur.
dulu tercipta karena keadaan ekonomi di Manado sangat buruk, dan akhirnya
menjadikan sayur-sayuran sebagai makanan di campur dengan beras sedikit” jelas Jessica Supit, seorang mahasiswa yang
diwawancarai (19/12) ini.
dengan narasumber yang satu ini “Orang
minahasa ada ba sambunyi di hutan, kong karena nda ada makanan dorang cuma ambe
sayuran dg nasi sisa” tutur seorang wanita lanjut usia dari Minahasa
bernama Joula Tumiwa,
bahasa Manado yang berarti “Orang Minahasa dulu bersembunyi di hutan, dan
karena tidak ada makanan maka mereka memasak sayuran yang dicampur dengan nasi
sisa” saat diwawancarai hari ini.
dengan penyantap favorit Tinutuan satu ini, diusia belianya Chandra Lombeng memaparkan “Karena
zaman dulu di Sulawesi Utara banyak sekali rempah dan sayur senhingga
orang-orang Minahasa mencoba memadukan sayur seperti kangkung, gedi, sambiki,
jagung dan nasi sehinggah terciptalah tinutuan, karnah pada dasarnya org Manado
suka dengan yg pedas pedas makanya ditambah dengan sambal roa/bakasang sehingga
sangat nikmat saat dimakan pada pagi hari” lengkapnyaa. (19/12)
Selasa, 12 Desember 2017
“Traditional Food is a Big Deal”
By Timothy Koraag
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Tinutuan or Manado Porridge |
First thing
you would be confused why i would be able to speak about Traditional Food cause
it is not a Big Deal? Right? But that is the point why i would be able to speak
about it.
food is a part of Culture. Manado has a
lot of Traditional Food but one of them that is most famous is Tinutuan. people
in Manado have no idea how much advantage that we can gain from Traditional
Food. They were ignoring it because it wasn’t a Big Deal. But the truth is They
were wrong. It has a lot of advantages in every kind of Aspect. Every kind of
aspect i mean like Financial Aspect, Cultural Aspect and Social Aspect.
First up, i
would like to explain about Financial Aspect. I want to give you an example, At
the other Country Hand Made Food or we can say Traditional Food is way more expensive than Junk Food but why in Indonesia it is the
Opposite? Why is the question, why we cannot be like them? but i’m not saying that i would like to change
it because it is probably impossible for me.
But i’m talking about it because
People in Indonesia especially in Manado underestimate Traditional Food, and
what about how they make it, or cook it? So we’re talking about the facilities,
maybe the facilities do not have a high standard quality. The Manadonese custom
is to make traditional food if there will be a Party and the people that Sell
Traditional Food are just about 25 % so we can start from ourselves to sell
Traditional Food and make our Economic Empowerment much stronger.
Second Up,
Cultural Aspect. Traditional Food is a part of Culture, it is influential .
right now about 40 % of Manado People don’t know how to cook Traditional Foods
and maybe it is because they’re too lazy or don’t want to learn and including
me i’ve never been taught by my parents how to cook it so i don’t know how to
cook them.
Right know you probably think i’m weird why i would like to speak
about Traditional food but honestly i don’t even know how to cook it either but
at least there are people that know how to cook it. my suggestion is for the
government to make a Program about How to Make Traditional Food so The Culture
would not be able to die. And if our culture dies it will affect our Tourism
Activity. for example if i am The Tour Guide and while i am at restaurant with
tourists and they ask me what is the ingredient or the composition ? and i
don’t know what it is? It can be a Disaster!
That can make me feel like such an
embarassment and also embarassing my school, my department and my teacher because
i am from Tourism Department and just because such a little thing ? make all of
what i’ve learned useless. me as the Tour Guide the real purpose to be a Tour
Guide is being the bridge between another country and my country. It can make
Tourists not want to come here again because they’ve lost their passion to come
here. Can’t you even imagine it? What
will be happen with our City? Yes, our city will be broken.
And the Last
one is Social Aspect. This aspect could really have an advantage tho. We know
right Now there’s a lot of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Path and etc. we can use all of those as advantages too. For example i can
inform or Introduce to my foreign friends on facebook to traditional food so they can be interested
to come here and tell to all their friends to come here and have a vacation. It
can be useful. It can influence at the Financial Aspect that our Economic
Empowerment will be stronger and influent at the Culture Aspect, our culture will
be known all around the world and there will be so many people who would like
to come here and make our economic empowerment stronger than ever.
Natural Beauty
By Timothy Koraag
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Tourist Object in North Sulawesi |
Almost everyday we heard
news about natural disaster that cannot be controlled by the people that have
the obligation of.
We all know that north sulawesi’s natural beauty has
potential and very beautiful to make as Tourism places. Manado has a lot of
Tourism places, but people in Manado didn’t see or care that thing.
We don’t
know what is the bad impact that can be if we broke our own natural beauty. For
the example is malalayang beach.
Malalayang beach is a beautiful tourism place
that is the most famous in North Sulawesi, malalayang beach can increase the
economic empowerment. But why there’s a lot of trashes in there and also about
the security is not reflect as Tourism place.
North Sulawesi has potential
that always make us equal with another famous tourism place, but we’re not
realize about that.
The natural beauty of north
Sulawesi is beautiful but how we can make it more? They just know to enjoy it,
see it and feel it but there’s no feeling to care or protect it.
People in
North Sulawesi just know to say it about the level or the quality of our
tourism places but never did the real or the fact of our natural beauty. They
just know to proud but they have not action that showing about prouding as
advantage to make north Sulawesi can be equal with another tourism place.
We all have been at our own
tourism places and we all have seen
about the quality and all of the facilities in there. Where is our consciousness
? we need to realize from now on so we can compete with another province? Or even another country?.
Me as the young generation
or the next generation , I want the best for my country so another country can
see how beautiful we are ,so? Let’s keep our environment and don’t be shy to do
the best for your own country, llet’s start with a little thing like don’t
throw trashes wherever we want, save water and another. And then it will create
a new Natural Beauty with a perfection .
Thank You
By Timothy Koraag
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logo wonderful Indonesia |
Good Day Ladies and Gentlemen! Thank you for Having me, my
name is Timothy Koraag you can call me Timothy, I’m Representing SMK Negeri 1
Manado i’m 11th Grade Tourism Department.
The Title of My Speech is ‘Cultural Diversity is Our
Culture, what do you think when you hear this word?
You might think it’s about Custom or Habit , Traditional
Foods, Traditional Songs, Tradiional Dances and another that related with
Culture is a Habit or Role of Life that was Created by Our
Ancestors, generated by one generation to the next generation.
There’s a lot of Definitions of Culture but i can conclude
all of those that “Without Culture, We Have Nothing”.
You may ask why without Culture we have Nothing? Of Course
Without Culture we Have Nothing, because Culture is a Part of our Life; it Has
been a part of our Life. It has been a Legacy from our Ancestors in accordance
with Hereditary.
On this Era, many Young people are more interested with
another culture than their own culture, they’re forgetting their own culture
until it will be die. they say that our culture is boring, old and ugly but the
truth is if they are thinking with a positive mind it is not boring and Ugly
but yes it is Old but not Old in kind of another old. Actually it is Beautiful
and we must proud of it, we are living in Indonesia and Indonesia is such a
Heaven with its Distinguish Cultures, we’ve got a lot of Cultures from Sabang
to Merauke.
They say that “Culture Separate us, make us different we
cannot be one”. Sure we can! Why not? Here i give you an anology why we can be
one! Imagine that Indonesia is a piece of paper, and Culture is Crayon. We all
know that Crayons consist so many colors and either Indonesia consists 34
Provinces and every Province has their own Culture, Imagine that those
Provinces with its Cultures are Crayons.
And then we draw it on the paper ,
with combine them, we aculturate them and then what happen?
It creates a new
Is that Beautiful? Yes, it is.
Is the paper more colorful? Yes, it
So? Although they’re different, they could still be one and Beautiful.
Don’t you realize how beautiful or culture is? You have no idea how much
advantage that we can gain by Culture!
You juat forget it and more interested in another culture.
A few times ago we heard news about Malaysia claims one of
our Culture that was Jaipong Dance as their own. How does that feel for us? As
the people of Indonesia especially Young People as the owner of the Culture?
That’s Hurt, you don’t care about you’re culture and then another country steal
it and you suddenly come here and defending it? I mean like where have you
been? What have you done before they steal it?
So? What should we do? As the Young Generation ? as the Next
We must realize from our heart and mind that we should love
our culture, don’t ever forget it, preserve it cause it is our precious asset
and after we realize what action we need to do? I suggest that we make a
campaign for love your culture so our culture can be Everlasting.
Culture represents the beauty of our country and by
Represents the Beauty of our Country? It shows our Identity as Indonesian
People, The Young People , The Next Generation?
Identity is Important because of Identity we would be known
all around the world and Culture is our Identity.
And that’s what i called Cultural Diversity is Our Identity.
Thank You.
By Timothy Koraag
someone owe a gratitude on you and they pay it, how do you behave? Are you
going to be happy? Feel respected? Satisfy? Appreciated? Well, those things are
such a nice attitude, right? It’s like students owed grattitude on teachers.
me being a Teacher is such a sublime occupation because they’re teaching us the
students untill we mature enough to face the world. But today what they give
them in return? Teacher being disrespectful, unappreciated, unthankful by
students, i mean those things are the opposite from what i thought.
see on July 2016 from said a Junior High School Teacher from
Sidoarjo North Java named Muhammad Samhudi (46) been arrested by the Public
Prosecutor because he pinched one of the student who didn’t want to do a
prayer. the Prosecutor said that he broke the law in Chapter 80 Subsection 1 rule
of Children Protection of 2014 Indonesian Constituation number 35. The
Defendant demands prison for 6 Months and 1 year on trial. Samhudi reported by
the parents of the student who pinched by him, because the parents cannot
excuse what he did to their child.
few times later this is what happened (showing pictures) reported by many Teacher being afraid to teach after the case of a teacher
pinched a student. I mean what happen with this country? If all the teachers
being afraid to teach then who’s going to teach us? Is that what they want? Well,
back into the previous case can you even imagine how ridiculous that thing? I
mean a pinch? Is that his gratitude on his teacher?
think the teacher did the right thing because the student didn’t want to do the
prayer that’s why he pinched him but how ridiculous also the parents of the
student who cannot excuse what the teacher did to their child so they report it
to the people who have the obligation of to arrest the teacher.
to the parents, why don’t you just teach you’re own child in your house if you
don’t want the teacher to pinch them? Well, that’s the consequences if you
enter you’re child into the School. I mean it’s okay to arrest the teacher if
the student didn’t do anything but he pinched him, that’s crazy of course.
Education supposed to be tough so it can produce a quality generation who can
develope this country well, if the education is not tough what would happen
with our country? Of course bad things which i cannot say it one by one but you
know it.
Prosecutor said that the teacher broke the law in Chapter 80 Subsection 1 rule
of Children Protection of 2014 Indonesian Constituation number 35, one of the
point is about violence on children, well, i think the paradigm of the
constitution needs to be changed. I’m not saying that i blamed the
constituation but it comes from our mindset, the way we think.
lot of people also defend the teacher who been arrested, reported by
the Chairman of Indonesian legistilative assembly Ade Komarudin Jakarta, July
2016 said that we need to re-recite the definition of violence on children on
2014 Indonesian Constituation number 35.
also the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesian Muhajir Effendi Surabaya,
August 2016 said that the Education of Indonesia still is brittle, to produce a
strong generation the Education system needs to be tough and hard. if it’s not
our generation will be easy to be beaten. He also explained that by a Hard and
Tough Education doesn’t mean a violence, that’s why also that People need to
think professionally.
I am totally agree with both of them, that in case to produce a quality
generation we needs to have a hard and tough education system, and also needed
to change our paradigm and the mindset, the way we think, our demeanor.
now who’s going to be blamed? The Teacher? The Student? Parents? People who got
the obligation of? I think nobody is going to be blamed it’s just back into
ourselves that we need to change our mindset, the way we think, our demeanor
our attitude. Because everything comes from ourselves, nothing else. We as the
most gifted creatures need to use part of ourselves correctly and nicely.
into the thing that by ourselves especially we as Students owed a grattitude on
Teacher, we shoulda payed for it, we need to respect them, appreciate them,
thank them. Well i chose this topic because this is my senior year and in about
150 days more i will be graduate from this school and i feel the weight of the
worth is to the teachers. I owed them a gratitude and my attitude is how i pay
it. Dear All, Thank you and Happy National Teacher’s Day.
Oleh : Timothy Koraag
Selasa, 12 Desember 2017
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Miss Grand International 2017 beserta Runners Up |
waktu yang lalu, dunia maya Indonesia dihebohkan dengan penggunaan kostum budaya
oleh salah satu kontestan perwakilan Malaysia diajang Miss Grand International
tahun 2017 ini.
Miss Grand International 2017 ini diselenggarakan 5 Oktober 2017 lalu di
biasa ajang yang sudah dilaksanakan selama 5 tahun sejak dibentuknya pada 2013
ini akan menampilkan kostum-kostum kebudayaan oleh masing-masing kontestan
sesuai dengan negara yang direpresentasikan.
Betapa terkejutnya
pelaksanaan MGI tahun ini kontestant Malaysia menggunakan kostum Kuda Lumping
beserta Batik yang jelas-jelas merupakan budaya Indonesia.
lumping adalah seni tari yang dimainkan dengan properti berupa kuda tiruan,
yang terbuat dari anyaman bambu atau bahan lainnya dengan dihiasi rambut tiruan
dari tali plastik atau sejenisnya yang di gelung atau di kepang, sehingga pada
masyarakat jawa sering disebut sebagai jaran kepang.
ini menunjukkan banyak sekali kesamaan pada kostum yang dipakai oleh kontestan
Malaysia ini, belum lagi dengan kain desain batik yang dipakainya juga.
adalah kain bergambar yang pembuatannya secara khusus dengan menuliskan atau
menerakan malam pada kain itu, kemudian pengolahannya diproses dengan cara
tertentu yang memiliki kekhasan.
sudah benar benar dinyatakan sebagai bagian dari kebudayaan Indonesia oleh
UNESCO secara resmi yang tidak bisa diganggu gugat.
Lalu bagaimana
tanggapan masyarakat tentang kostum Malaysia ini?
inipun sangat panas diperbincangkan oleh netizen-netizen khususnya Indonesia
karena secara tidak langsung Malaysia sudah menyatakan bahwa Kuda Lumping
beserta Batik telah menjadi bagian dari kebudayaan kepemilikkan mereka.
costume which origin from another country? So funny, and so embarrassed. Seems
like you don't have original culture.. Hope you blessed in mgi!" komentar
lumping indonesia di plagiat #haram_noh," komentar @fauzhi82812.
Itulah contoh
beberapa komentar netizen Indonesia disalah satu postingan di media sosial
Instagram yang menyindir Malaysia secara terang-terangan akan aksi mereka ini.
Dengan itu
pihak Malaysia merasa terpojok maka merekapun mengangkat bicara, dengan
menyatakan bahwa kostum mereka itu sungguh terinspirasi oleh masyarakat Jawa
yang tinggal didaerah Johor, Perak, Selangor, & Singapura.
Namun masih
saja banyak pihak yang menuding bahwa Malaysia mengplagiaris kebudayaan
Indonesia dan Malaysia serumpun baik adatnya, kebudayaannya, juga tradisinya,
namun apabila sudah mengenai ajang internasional seperti ini tentunya harus
adanya keprofesionallan dalam pengambilan keputusan agar tidak adanya pihak
yang merasa dirugikan juga timbulnya perpecahan dan kerusuhan.
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