By Timothy Koraag
someone owe a gratitude on you and they pay it, how do you behave? Are you
going to be happy? Feel respected? Satisfy? Appreciated? Well, those things are
such a nice attitude, right? It’s like students owed grattitude on teachers.
my speech is about gratitude on Teacher, a person who has taken me from crayon
to perfume, who taught me right from wrong and a weak from strong, well, that’s
a lot to learn but how can i thank them, what can i give them in return? Times
before i don’t know until i finally realized that they need respect, feel
appreciated and thankful.
me being a Teacher is such a sublime occupation because they’re teaching us the
students untill we mature enough to face the world. But today what they give
them in return? Teacher being disrespectful, unappreciated, unthankful by
students, i mean those things are the opposite from what i thought.
see on July 2016 from Kompas.com said a Junior High School Teacher from
Sidoarjo North Java named Muhammad Samhudi (46) been arrested by the Public
Prosecutor because he pinched one of the student who didn’t want to do a
prayer. the Prosecutor said that he broke the law in Chapter 80 Subsection 1 rule
of Children Protection of 2014 Indonesian Constituation number 35. The
Defendant demands prison for 6 Months and 1 year on trial. Samhudi reported by
the parents of the student who pinched by him, because the parents cannot
excuse what he did to their child.
few times later this is what happened (showing pictures) reported by
Liputan6.com many Teacher being afraid to teach after the case of a teacher
pinched a student. I mean what happen with this country? If all the teachers
being afraid to teach then who’s going to teach us? Is that what they want? Well,
back into the previous case can you even imagine how ridiculous that thing? I
mean a pinch? Is that his gratitude on his teacher?
think the teacher did the right thing because the student didn’t want to do the
prayer that’s why he pinched him but how ridiculous also the parents of the
student who cannot excuse what the teacher did to their child so they report it
to the people who have the obligation of to arrest the teacher.
to the parents, why don’t you just teach you’re own child in your house if you
don’t want the teacher to pinch them? Well, that’s the consequences if you
enter you’re child into the School. I mean it’s okay to arrest the teacher if
the student didn’t do anything but he pinched him, that’s crazy of course.
Education supposed to be tough so it can produce a quality generation who can
develope this country well, if the education is not tough what would happen
with our country? Of course bad things which i cannot say it one by one but you
know it.
Prosecutor said that the teacher broke the law in Chapter 80 Subsection 1 rule
of Children Protection of 2014 Indonesian Constituation number 35, one of the
point is about violence on children, well, i think the paradigm of the
constitution needs to be changed. I’m not saying that i blamed the
constituation but it comes from our mindset, the way we think.
lot of people also defend the teacher who been arrested, reported by Kompas.com
the Chairman of Indonesian legistilative assembly Ade Komarudin Jakarta, July
2016 said that we need to re-recite the definition of violence on children on
2014 Indonesian Constituation number 35.
also the Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesian Muhajir Effendi Surabaya,
August 2016 said that the Education of Indonesia still is brittle, to produce a
strong generation the Education system needs to be tough and hard. if it’s not
our generation will be easy to be beaten. He also explained that by a Hard and
Tough Education doesn’t mean a violence, that’s why also that People need to
think professionally.
I am totally agree with both of them, that in case to produce a quality
generation we needs to have a hard and tough education system, and also needed
to change our paradigm and the mindset, the way we think, our demeanor.
now who’s going to be blamed? The Teacher? The Student? Parents? People who got
the obligation of? I think nobody is going to be blamed it’s just back into
ourselves that we need to change our mindset, the way we think, our demeanor
our attitude. Because everything comes from ourselves, nothing else. We as the
most gifted creatures need to use part of ourselves correctly and nicely.
into the thing that by ourselves especially we as Students owed a grattitude on
Teacher, we shoulda payed for it, we need to respect them, appreciate them,
thank them. Well i chose this topic because this is my senior year and in about
150 days more i will be graduate from this school and i feel the weight of the
worth is to the teachers. I owed them a gratitude and my attitude is how i pay
it. Dear All, Thank you and Happy National Teacher’s Day.
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